dan goldenbergBack in high school, Dan Goldenberg had three goals: row on the Olympic crew team, become a pilot, become an aerospace engineer.

“I got cut from the crew team,” Goldenberg says with a laugh in our recent interview. “My eyes were too bad [to fly], and my calculus grades were too bad to be an engineer.”

Bye, bye, goals. Well, at least those three.

Goldenberg, executive director of the Call of Duty Endowment and a commander in the Navy reserve, found his way with some others. A self-described “awful” student in middle school, he was later impressed with the Air Force Academy cadets he met at a Boy Scouts Jamboree.

“A switch flipped,” he says. “At that point, I became all about setting goals. I was determined to become a military officer on my way to becoming an astronaut.” Read full article on Airstream.com