Category: Culture

The New (Autistic) Girl on the Block

I walk into the dressing room at Nordstrom Rack, my teen niece in tow. She stops, puts out her hand, and addresses two middle-aged women standing in the aisle. “Tickle?” Gina says with a smile. I’m about to protest, but already...

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Snowflakes with a Conscience

My phone rings at 9:10 a.m. on a Thursday. It’s a dear friend who needs to talk. Problem is, I’m on my way to the doctor because my entire body has broken out in hives. But context is in order, so let’s back up. The week went...

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Pussy, Power, and Postage

I typically buy postage stamps that say or advocate “love.” It’s my small way of sending love out into the world with each piece of mail, even if it’s a bill. Recently I was standing in line at the post office to buy a sheet of...

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What an honor …
