I live in a beautiful land, one that has become coveted in the last few decades.

And so it happens the folks out for a buck like the feeling of cash and more cash. Every square inch of this land = $$$$$$$$$$ in their eyes. And hey, good for them. This is America. Shoot your shot, man.

Some of us are simply living our lives in this delightful place — creating, working, communing, drinking in world-class views, enjoying proximity to New York City. We inhabit homes we love, pay our rent, mind our business.

But because of the first group, we get to live looking over our shoulders.

We’re not victims, mind you. We’re full-grown adults thriving in a terrific community, people who occasionally get certified letters from law firms telling us to sign things or appear at hearings where are livelihoods and very lives are in the balance.


Yesterday I did something I haven’t done in a while – I rotated my art. You know, pulled some pieces out of the closet, moved some around, paired Manet’s Olympia with Titian’s Venus of Urbino, reacquainted myself with that cool photo I once tore out of The New Yorker and framed. I uncovered my French bulletin board with the satin ribbons and made an artful arrangement of postcards with the theme of sacred places. So soothing.

That vase in the corner of my bedroom? It’s now in the living room. Fresh. Stimulating. So good.

Last week a handyman came by to put my air conditioner back in the window for the season. While he was here, he fixed my kitchen ceiling fan and changed a very highly placed light bulb in my hallway. Each task making me feel progressively buoyant.

What an infusion of energy. Taking ownership can have that effect. My home. My life. My decisions. I control what is in my energy field.

No frowny face. Fuck that.

For I live in a beautiful land.

[Editorial Note: This is my 12th installment in a series I began in order to give my writing some flow after being in a healing phase from knee surgeries for a year (2023-24).]

[This post was originally published on Facebook on June 10, 2024.]