As the articles about how many of us are losing friends, family members and even spouses in this divided atmosphere in our country keep mounting and we realize we’re not alone in that, it’s time to look some reality dead in the face.

It’s the only way to turn the corner.

Based on actual conversations I’ve had, social media comments I’ve seen and articles I’ve read, it’s clear we’re speaking different languages now – MAGA Speak and Non-MAGA Speak. I’m laying out the differences in examples below. They’re not meant to be funny or sarcastic. They are mostly from, as I’ve said, real exchanges I’ve had or seen.

For many of us, the only way to move forward and see our way clear to progress, decency, and in some cases, sanity, is to acknowledge that those who are fluent in MAGA Speak are gone in a sense. They’ve left the building. You are not going to penetrate that narrative. Accept that. Agree to avoid politics and then vow to live your best life and be your best self. Volunteer, create, advocate, spread kindness, take a walk, seek out new things, read books, ski a daunting mountain or a bunny hill or whatever flips your switch. Be a good neighbor. Love fiercely.

What follows may feel like nothing new to some, but like a cold splash of water to the face for others. Well, there are actually a lot of splashes here. Either way, douse yourself and consider it a baptism. These are the divergent lenses through which we view the news.

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump has allegedly paid off porn stars to keep them quiet during his presidential campaign, violating campaign finance laws.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. Donald Trump does porn stars!

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. He cheats on his taxes. Who doesn’t? But he gets away with it!


Haha. Why should he? I love that it drives the libs crazy.

Non-MAGA Speak:

Children are being separated from their parents at our border and may never see them again because we aren’t properly tracking them.

MAGA Speak:

They’re animals and we don’t want them here.

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump was still in negotiations for a real estate deal in Russia during his presidential campaign, making him (and therefore our country) vulnerable to blackmail.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. He’s rich and can do whatever he wants. I wish I could.

Non-MAGA Speak:

Several people who have committed mass killings or attempted to have invoked Donald Trump as their inspiration or motivator.

MAGA Speak:

What? Who? Where?

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump fired James Comey and Andrew McCabe to attempt to stop the Russia probe.

MAGA Speak:

Good, they were corrupt and out to get the President. What was he supposed to do?

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump’s Tweets are filled with untruths, are often sophomoric swipes at people, and incite division.

MAGA Speak:

I’m not on Twitter.


I wish he wouldn’t Tweet so much.


I love his Twitter account. It’s hilarious.

Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump says his father was born in Germany, which is factually incorrect.

MAGA Speak:


Non-MAGA Speak:

Donald Trump repeatedly attacks and undermines the free press.

MAGA Speak:

What’s he supposed to do when they keep attacking him? Sit back and take it?

Non-MAGA Speak:

There are an increasing number of people in an “acting” capacity around Donald Trump.

MAGA Speak:

Who? What? Where?

Non-MAGA Speak:

The protocol for giving security clearances has been flouted by Donald Trump more than two dozen times.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. He’s not a typical politician. That’s why I voted for him, because he doesn’t follow rules.

Non-MAGA Speak:

People who want access to Donald Trump can just make reservations at Mar-a-Lago in order to get next to him.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. Have you seen Mar-a-Lago? What a classy playground.

Non-MAGA Speak:

He cheats at golf.

MAGA Speak:

Haha. Doesn’t everybody?

Non-MAGA Speak:

The attorney general recused himself. The attorney general refused to recuse himself.

MAGA Speak:

We need someone loyal to Trump.

Non-MAGA Speak:

White nationalism is on the rise.

MAGA Speak:

As long as libs keep saying that we’re going to keep winning.


I’m not a racist.

Non-MAGA Speak:

The world has completely changed.

MAGA Speak:


MAGA summary:

I’m powerless. He’s powerful. God, that’s heady. And have you seen my 401K?

Non-MAGA summary:

OK, we must forge on. Shed any inclinations toward victimhood. There is work to be done. People to help. Causes to champion. A life to live. Joy to reclaim.